PRINCE Project “Prizes and incentives for changes of methods”

PRINCE “Prizes and incentives for changes of methods” (2018-ongoing), is an experimental project to encourage students sustainable mobility. It is funded by the Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection and involves several partners: Municipality of Genoa - Mobility Department (Lead partner), University of Genoa, AMTGenova ParcheggiGenova Car SharingAlgowatt e Quaeryon.

Thanks to the PRINCE project, it was possible to collaborate and network the main actors of local public transport in the Municipality of Genoa, in order to promote virtuous behavior in the daily mobility of students.

By downloading the PRINCE App  (already available on Google Play only for Android) and using the means of the Genoese urban public transport network AMT, the interchange car parks, the Elettra car sharing and the ZENAbyBIKE bike sharing you can accumulate points that are converted into prizes and benefits.

The launch of the app that can be used by UniGe students was carried out in May 2022 (see link).


Lead partner: Municipality of Genoa, Mobility Department
Scientific coordinator for UniGe: Prof. Adriana Del Borghi
Scientific Responsible for Mobility: Prof. Francesca Pirlone
Scientific Responsible for Climate Change: Prof. Michela Gallo

Last update 4 July 2022